Cambridge Community Arts Chosen as Cambridge Business & Professional Club’s Charity of the Year
We are proud to share that we have been chosen as The Cambridge Business and Professional Club’s Charity of the Year!
Rich Wainwright, President of CBPC: “We chose Cambridge Community Arts because of the brilliantly creative way they build community, connections and confidence and lead people on a transformative journey towards work and volunteering”
On the 7 December 2022, Jane Rich (CEO), Sally Fallows (Development Officer) and Community Member, Roni, joined the CBPC Christmas celebration at Queen’s College. In the most beautiful setting, we were delighted to share the work of Cambridge Community Arts and how vital it is for the people of Cambridge. The Club members raised nearly £1000 in support of creative empowerment! We look forward to working with CBPC and its members throughout 2023 to improve opportunities and reduce barriers.
Being part of a creative community has enabled our learners to take care of themselves and their families, become better parents, reduce medication and take new opportunities with confidence. “It is a life saver”.
If you are interested in finding out more about supporting Cambridge Community Arts and making a difference to people in your community, get in touch: