We are a small and friendly team dedicated to providing the best experience and opportunities for our learners who are mostly adults not currently in work, with experience of mental ill-health and/or with health conditions.
Find our current job and volunteer opportunities below.
If you are interested in becoming a creative tutor, we regularly run half day workshops where you can find out more about the company and have the opportunity to share your art form with other creative practitioners. Please find out more below.
Please see our current opportunities below…
Creative Teaching Assistant Volunteers
Our tutors are all assisted by a Creative Teaching Assistant Volunteer. Volunteering on a course offers excellent experience and insight into an arts for health and adult education setting. If you are confident, pro-active, have excellent communication skills and relevant art form experience, this could be the opportunity for you. Most course require a commitment of 3.5 hours each week for the duration of the course.
If you’re interested in volunteering for a course we are currently advertising for (click here to find out) or at some point in the future, please click on the button below to fill out our Application Form. We'll send you emails when we have new volunteering opportunities and we may directly contact you if we feel we have an opportunity that would suit your experience.
If you are interested in becoming a trustee and feel you have skills or expertise that could benefit the charity, we’d like to hear from you.
Download the role description by clicking here.
To express an interest, please email our co-chair trustees@camcommarts.org.uk.
Community Advisory Panel Volunteer Positions
We are looking for professionals to join our Community Advisory Panel, a forum of key stakeholders that meet four times a year to ensure best practice across all areas and provide an informed understanding of the context of the external environment within which we are working. CCA staff may also contact panel members on an ad hoc basis to provide advice and guidance or input to specific areas of work.
Creative Industries / IAG professional - download role description here
Email admin@camcommarts.org.uk to arrange an informal chat.
Creative Tutor Opportunities & Professional Development
If you are interested in becoming a creative tutor, we regularly run half day workshops where you can find out more about the company and have the opportunity to share your art form with other creative practitioners - please sign up to our mailing list here to receive news of our workshops.
If you are passionate and have creativity to share please email info@camcommarts.org.uk to arrange an informal conversation.