Terms & Conditions

By filling in the Cambridge Community Arts (CCA) or Creative Fenland (CF) application form, you are agreeing to our terms and conditions.

I certify that the information given is correct. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions set out on the reverse (below). I understand the cost and entry requirements for my chosen course(s) and will seek further guidance as appropriate at the course(s) start. I am aware of the requirements to inform CCA/CF of any previous, pending or current criminal convictions, warnings, reprimands and cautions and understand that further action may be taken by CCA/CF if I do not disclose such information promptly (please see terms and conditions below).

How We Use Your Personal Information: This privacy notice is issued to inform learners about how their personal information is used.

We collect data about learners and learning undertaken. Data is required to meet reporting requirements of our funding agreements. We retain learner data for 3 years for operational purposes and 66 years for research purposes, in line with the UK GDPR and the Department for Education’s approach to Individualised Learner Records (ILR) and use of personal information. For more information about the ILR and the data collected, please see the ILR specification at https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/individualised-learner-record-ilr

Data may be shared with third parties such as our funders or external evaluators to carry out research and evaluation to inform the effectiveness of service delivery.  Where data sharing is part of statutory duties, we do not need your consent.

Where sharing is not part of our statutory duties, you can give your consent to be contacted by other third parties about courses or learning opportunities and for surveys and research:

  • By post

  • By phone

  • By email

Please tick relevant boxes to give your consent.

For more information about how your personal data is used and your individual rights, please see the DfE Personal Information Charter (https://www.gov. uk/ government/organisations/department-for-education/about/personal-information-charter) and the ESFA Privacy Notice https://www.gov.uk/government/ publications/privacy-notice-for-key-stage-5-and-adult-education

If you would like to get in touch with us, you can contact the DfE in the following ways:

Using our online contact form at https://form.education.gov.uk/service/Contact_the_Department_for_Education

  • By telephoning the DfE Helpline on 0370 000 2288

  • Or in writing to – Data Protection Officer, Ministerial and Public Communications Division, Department for Education, Piccadilly Gate, Store Street, Manchester, M1 2WD

If you are unhappy with how we have used your personal data, you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) at – Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF. You can also call their helpline on 0303 123 1113 or visit https://www.ico.org.uk.


Students aged 19 years or over
You will be charged fees at rates set annually. You will be required to pay a registration fee for each course you enrol onto, as well as any materials, equipment, exam entries or registration fees as applicable to the course.

Students will not be admitted to classes unless they have enrolled and paid the appropriate fee. A class may not run unless there is a minimum number of students, at the complete discretion of CCA.

Course fees
All course fees are payable at the time of enrolment. Special arrangements, such as instalment payments, may be possible on request, at the complete discretion of CCA.

Any outstanding course fees may be passed on to a third party debt recovery agency, where further charges may be applied.

A refund of any course fees already paid is only available in the following circumstances:

  • If CCA/CF closes a class due to insufficient enrolments and is unable to offer a suitable alternative.

  • If you withdraw from a course due to ill health and a doctor has certified you too unwell to continue your studies. In this situation refund will take into account the amount of course already completed before the withdrawal.

Students under 18 on 31 August 2024
CCA/CF can share information on progress, attendance or any issues which might affect your education or wellbeing with your parents/guardians for the duration of the course.

Disclosure of Convictions
CCA/CF have a legal obligation known as “Duty of Care” to do everything reasonable to protect students, staff and visitors from potential harm. We therefore require students to declare if they:

  • are serving/have served a custodial sentence

  • are currently/have been on licence

  • have served or are serving any type of order (except pre-court orders such as reprimand or final warnings)

  • are currently on, or have been on an Intensive Supervision and Surveillance Programme (ISSP)

  • have caution/s, warning/s or reprimand/s (CCA/CF does not need to know about convictions that are spent)

Information disclosed will not necessarily prevent you from studying the course of your choice. However, if you have a previous conviction(s) that you do not disclose and which is subsequently discovered, you may be refused a place or asked to leave the course. There may be occasions whereby a current/previous conviction may affect the outcome of your course but we will discuss this with you in full and offer alternatives where appropriate. If you would like to disclose information regarding criminal offences prior to enrolment, or during the course of your studies, please call the Safeguarding lead on 07955601516.

Learning Agreement
This learning agreement confirms your status as a student and indicates that you have received appropriate pre-entry guidance for the course. Please also refer to the Learner Handbook. CCA/CF aims to ensure that every student has the best possible chance of success.

The Code of Conduct also details what is expected from students. By accepting a place on a course, you are agreeing to comply with all aspects of the Code of Conduct and the terms and conditions of enrolment.

Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information published by the CCA/CF. However, CCA/CF reserves the right to cancel, combine or reschedule courses and make changes to the teaching hours provided on any course and to any facilities offered. If any circumstances which are unforeseen or beyond the control of CCA/CF interfere with its ability to provide services or facilities, CCA/CF undertakes to use reasonable endeavours to minimise resulting disruption, but cannot guarantee the provision of the services or facilities. CCA/CF will not be liable to any user of its services or facilities for any indirect or consequential loss which may be suffered by you as a result of any breach by CCA/CF of any obligations to the user or any other act or omission of CCA/CF or its employees. If CCA/CF is found liable to the user for any such breach, act or omission, the liability will be limited to a maximum of the tuition fee paid to CCA/CF on behalf of the user in respect of the academic year in which the breach, act or omission occurs. This limitation applies to any liability, including liability for negligence, except where negligence causes death or personal injury.

Enquiries regarding Enrolment
If you have any enquiries regarding your enrolment, please contact

ESF Funding Statement
This activity may be directly or indirectly part-financed by the European Social Fund - helping develop employment by promoting employability, business spirit and equal opportunities and investing in human resource